10 Green Building Megatrends For 2017By Jerry Yudelson, Speaker, Author, Green Building Consultant

December 6, 2016

Here are the second five of the ten green building megatrends. Note that these are not necessarily in order of current or future importance! Part one was posted on November 29, 2016. The discussion is taken from my latest book, Reinventing Green Building (New Society Publishers, 2016). (more…)

Why Certification Systems Aren’t Working and What We Can Do About It.

The book Reinventing Green Building, by Jerry Yudelson, will be available about June 1st. It’s full of detailed statistical analysis of how green building in the US has hit the wall the past few years, commentary from two dozen industry leaders, and detailed recommendations on how to start growing the green building movement once again.

Buildings and their associated systems are the largest source of greenhouse gases in the world. The 2030 Challenge aims to produce zero net -energy from new North American construction by 2030 while achieving a 50% reduction in carbon emissions from existing buildings. With less than 4% of commercial and residential structures in the U.S. and Canada certified by 2015, we seem destined to fall catastrophically short of this target. (more…)