The First International Forum “Energy Efficiency in Buildings”, Moscow Russia


Prof. Wolfgang Feist: Science is outside of politics! Photo: NRU MSUCE (Moscow, Russia).

September 8, 2016: International Forum was opened by the rector of the NRU MSUCE Alexander Volkov, presenting the report “System engineering of effective building management.” Andrey Anatolyevich emphasized that this theme – innovation, on which the conceptual base is formed just now. Rector noted that today we can be proud of the achievements that are made in this field on the basis of the NRU MSUCE this direction and he does personally. (more…)

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© 172 Passive house apartments at the Offenbacher MAN.

With a joint construction project to neighboring cities of Frankfurt and Offenbach document their connectedness: 172 apartments built the ABG Frankfurt Holding on the former premises of the Offenbach press manufacturer MAN Roland. Yesterday, the two mayors Horst Schneider (Offenbach) and Peter Feldmann (Frankfurt) have set the break ground. (more…)

The new administrative building of the Vorarlberg Illwerke was built in six weeks of construction primarily in wood

Outdoor natural, inside nature: the 130-meter-long Illwerke Center Montafon was built by Hermann Kaufmann almost entirely of wood finished parts.
Vandans – Outside the window unfolds with its never-ending coniferous forests and its clammy each other back rocks the rugged landscape of the Montafon. Inside the desk increases at the same time, resinous wood scent in the nose. You already smell the superlatives: The recently completed Illwerke center Montafon, short IZM, with its 10,000 square meters of floor space is currently the largest timber hybrid building in the world. So it’s at least what the client, the Vorarlberg Illwerke AG.



Photo: © LANG consulting. The first certified Passive House office tower.

Sources: iPHA,  Land Consulting

High levels of energy efficiency are all the more important when it comes to high-rise buildings. For the first time ever, an office tower in Vienna has achieved the Passive House Standard. The certificate was presented by Susanne Theumer of the Passive House Institute on the 20th floor of the building with a prime view of the old city. The glazed facade of the building on the bank of the Donaukanal (“Danube Canal”) rises almost 80 metres high. The building, characterised by superior indoor air quality and minimal energy consumption, is home to 900 employees of the Austrian Raiffeisen-Holding Group. (more…)

Presentation of the certificate in the Danish port city of Esbjerg


© Passivhaus Institut: Passive House certified new headquarters in the Danish port city of Esbjerg

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 Esbjerg/Darmstadt. The Danish regional energy company Syd Energi (SE) has inaugurated its new headquarters in the Danish port city of Esbjerg. One of the world’s largest Passive House buildings and an architectural highlight, this four-storey rotunda with a sea view not only meets the requirements of the Passive House Standard, but will also produce more energy than is required for the building’s mechanical systems. This 9000 square metre building will provide some 420 people with carbon neutral workplace. After a construction period of almost 18 months, the official inauguration of the building with presentation of the Passive House Certificate took place on Friday. The Danish Finance Minister, Bjarne Corydon, and the Mayor of Esbjerg, Johnny Sotrup, were also present and commended the exemplary character of this project. (more…)

“Bonapace” offers energy efficient rooms with holiday flair


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Torbole/Innsbruck. Spending holidays in a Passive House is now also possible in the small town of Torbole at the edge of Lake Garda, where just in time for the summer holidays, a family enterprise has opened a hotel built according to the extremely energy efficient Passive House Standard. As typical for Passive House buildings, the rooms can be heated and cooled via the air filtered in through the incredibly silent ventilation system. With their increased  level of sound proofing, triple-glazed windows provide for peaceful holidays and exceptional comfort.

A few weeks after the 1 May 2013 opening of the hotel, those involved in the project met in Torbole for the official awarding of the Passive House Certificate. “The building has been meticulously planned; all connections as well as the technology have been implemented in an exemplary way,” said Dr. Wolfgang Feist, Director of the Passive House Institute, after a tour through the new building. (more…)


Photo: © Benthem Crouwel Architects Passive House Office in Etrium, Cologne

The tenant of the “Etrium” in Cologne, the international company Econcern headquartered in the Netherlands, has been involved since 1984 with the aim of realizing “a sustainable energy supply for everyone”. In Cologne, a suitable office building now should be built, which reflects the company’s vision of architecture and energetic idea. There should be an innovative office in Passive House standard is established, which is also architecturally sophisticated. The three-storey building covers an area of 3751 m² and can accommodate a total of 150 employees. (more…)

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