Green Passive Solar Home Plans with Sustainable Design
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This eco
friendly Passive Solar House is nestled among mature trees and has a lean, "green" design that
still puts style and comfort in the forefront. It stands apart from the crowd
equally for its elegance and grace, and its eco friendly passive solar design
and constructions.

Passive House designed in a traditional cottage style has a simple and elegant
shape. It is a 3-bedroom, 1 living room, kitchen-dinning room, 1 office, 1
guest room, 3.5-bathroom, 140 square meters, two-story single family home with
a slopping roof

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"I follow in building the principles which nature has used in its domain" ~ Frank Lloyd Wright
Green Living Roofs
Why have Green Roof?

Installing a green roof goes a small way to replacing the nature destroyed by building. However, there are plenty of good reasons to incorporate a green roof into the design of a building or to install one on an existing building.

Greenhouse Effect
Green roofs reduce the greenhouse effect by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. They also reduce solar reflection. Because of their effect on thermal performance, green roofs reduce the need for air conditioning which is itself a source of greenhouse gases.
Reduced energy consumption
Climate change means that it is essential that we vastly reduce the impact of building in terms of energy consumption and therefore carbon emissions into the environment. Since green roofs have significant insulation properties, providing warmth in the winter and cooling in the summer, they can have a huge effect on the way a building performs and should be incorporated into any package aiming to achieve zero or low carbon targets.
Extended life of the waterproofing
The waterproofing under a green roof system is protected from the effects of ultraviolet light, extremes of temperature and weather. As a result the life of waterproofing is prolonged. Some planted roofs in the USA and Europe have extended the life of the waterproofing to 70 years or more!
Noise reduction
Adding mass to the roof structure by planting enhances acoustic performance of the roof. Acoustic performance will vary with the water content of the plant system but sound transmission through an aluminum standing seam roof for example can be reduced by up to 40 percent. This benefit increases as the plants grow and mass increases.
Stormwater management
In many cities around the world it has been recognized that the most significant ecological advantage of roof planting is in stormwater management. Development results in permeable ground being replaced by impermeable artificial surfaces through which rainwater can not permeate. The result is that drainage systems in developed areas are unable to cope with the instant changes in flow rate and volume of stormwater resulting in flooding and water course contamination.
Since it is difficult to install water containment measures within urban areas where space is at such a premium and ground based storage is expensive, keeping the water on the roof and returning it to the atmosphere is a cost effective solution. Rainwater retained on green roofs in the substrate and drainage layers is taken up by the plants and transported from the root to the leaf where it is lost through the leaf surface - a process known as transpiration. Water is evaporated from the substrate and plants by the sun. Both processes are accelerated by wind disruption. Any water that is not retained on the roof is released much more slowly into the drainage system preventing flooding.
Aesthetic Value
Aesthetics are perhaps the most apparent benefit of green roofs. Indeed most of the green roofs built all over the world, are intensive roofs built for aesthetic or amenity purposes. Inaccessible extensive green roofs also have aesthetic value, especially when viewed from surrounding buildings.
Intensive green roofs require regular maintenance. Simple intensive green roofs, like lawns, might require mowing and weeding on a weekly or fortnightly basis during the growing season. Extensive green roofs would normally only require annual visits to remove rubbish, check fire breaks and drains and in some cases remove unwanted colonizing plants. The first three years of roof maintenance are usually the responsibility of the green roof manufacturer. Some ‘wildflower meadows’ on extensive green roofs may require annual mowing with cuttings removed.

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